The Mystic as Performance Artist - The Strange Career of St. Joseph of Copertino: Presented by Author Michael Grosso


Date: Friday, June 7

Time: 8 pm

Admission: $8



Presented by: Shannon Taggart & Liminal Analytics

Author Michael Grosso will discuss the life of St. Joeseph of  Copertino, a 17th century mystic famous for his remarkable physical phenomena, which often took place without warning and in public.  This lecture will detail his life, especially the spectacular levitations, and show how they aroused fear, awe, wonder, envy, and suspicion – especially from the Inquisition.  The story of Joseph shows how fame for miraculous performance almost destroyed his life, and how he used his saintly talents to protect himself from the church and his insatiable fans.

Michael Grosso studied classics and received his PH.D. in philosophy from Columbia University.  He taught philosophy at Marymount Manhattan College, City University of New York, and City University of New Jersey.  He is now affiliated with the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia.  His main interest is consciousness studies and philosophy of mind. Among his books, he co-authored Irreducible Mind, wrote The Millennium MythExperiencing the Next World Now, Soulmaking, etc. He is currently completing the book The Strange Case of St. Joseph of Copertino: Ecstasy and the Mind-Body Problem. Also a painter, Grosso is interested in the interface between art and psychical research.

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