“Schöne Leiche,” or “The Beautiful Corpse”: The Cult of Beautiful Death in Vienna

The Habsburg Imperial Crypt, Vienna; sourced here.

Illustrated lecture by Mark ‘Splatter’ Batelli; thematic drinks and music by Friese Undine
Date: Tuesday, February 12

Time: 8:00 PM
Admission: $8
Presented by Morbid Anatomy

Tonight’s highly illustrated lecture will explore the special Viennese relationship to death as exemplified by their notion of Schöne Leiche, or the “Beautiful Corpse.” Batelli will trace the history of this distinctive approach to mortality and discuss funerary customs, mourning culture, black humor, idiom, art, music, suicide and psychology, providing examples and exploring its origins and development in the former imperial capital. Before and after the lecture, enjoy special thematic “Death in Vienna” artisinal cocktails and music complements of artist Friese Undine.

Mark ‘Splatter’ Batelli is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. He lived 5 years In Berlin and traveled extensively travels through Europe, spending much time in Vienna.


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